Importance to Read the Newspaper

Bangladeshi Papers

Today, most people do not like to read the newspaper. They prefer online portal, Facebook, Twitter, BBC, etc. These are good of course and feasible, but reading newspapers is the oldest and traditional form of getting current news. 
Some people do not like national newspapers, because they think that the newspaper is for politics; they like foreign news portals. But let's think, it is our duty to know my country first. Available newspaper is the only way to know. 

Why am I telling you about the importance? I like the newspaper most rather than read online. Sometimes I read newspaper after 11 pm, where after one hour new and fresh paper will publish. Why I consider this? The online portal always consider the BREAKING NEWS first. That is why less important news is going behind. But the newspaper is the compact package of all news. 

For example, last night a piece of less important news on the last page of the newspaper is a spark to me. That news added a new dimension to my research program. I have worked with the same thing but I never knew the new possibilities, where my work has more novelties. The researchers from China put Turbo Nano Generator technology in inorganic PV cells, where the material was just a polymer. Our work is on organic PV cell and it is very easy to integrate into my view. I have already studied their ACS Nano publication and found their approach.

So, if you have at least a minimum scope of reading newspapers, just do it. Trust me, it will very helpful for you.

Facebook Post 15 March 


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