How Probation Distracts a Student?

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A lot of things always I share with a marvelous guy (i don't mention his identity here). He is also sharing a lot of teaching facts and student facts from his life long experiences apart from our research topic. First of all, he is very concerned about the fresh probation students of private universities. The point that comes out from the talk is teachers are responsible for that. A fresh student can't understand the environment of uni in the first semester. if he/she is in probation it is not his/her fault. Sir, said that it is their fault because they can't teach hi/her well. The question is why they fell into probation? The only reason is the teaching method is not interactive, teacher - students communication distance and grading policy and comparison.

If a student does bad into the exam, the possible reasons are he fails to answer/the teacher can't understand his writing/student do not write his lecture/teacher do not want to give the marks. Yes, 2-3% of students are in one case that doesn't mean 50% probation in a semester. When someone does bad in the exam, we mention him as a bad student and compare him with others. We do not give him the scope to rise again. This mental pressure helps him to do bad again. 
So when a student understands that he is bad and knows nothing and compares himself with others as nothing he will never give any afford to his studies. Lack of student counseling is one the main reason. 
He wants to change the mentality of the teachers and also wants to make them student-friendly (not like that student serves good food and the teacher gives him grades/oiling). The teacher is considered as 2nd guardian. So, to build up a student-teacher is the must, not only to provide grades and say goodbye. He said, " low CGPA students doing well in my class but top scorers are nothing to them". Because I found how low-grade student understand their studies. So, overall all are coming to the same level in different approaches. He believes that students are very creative and we have the duty to bring them out.

He shares these issues... My experience is like he is actually great. He tries to spend a lot of time with me apart from his duties. He talks for the students and I always see every engineering student likes him a lot for his thinking. How dedicated he is!! From his thinking, teachers' dedication can change a students' life. I personally proud to get him and luckily the teachers I have found several times for research (SAU, NVA, MDY, KSY, LIH), they all are absolutely mind-blowing.


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