What We Get, is What We are Looking for.

This is a collected quote from a few months back. I liked it the most because these few lines have good messages for us to think about again. 

The sea is common for all, and the world is common to all. As human beings, we live on Earth; no extraterrestrial living being has yet not been proven. That is why this earth, as well as the world, is only our living place. We have yet to go beyond it. Humans of this world are somehow connected to oceans and seas. Most of the nations and dynasties in the past are grown up based on the sea. For what? 

The sea or ocean has the highest natural resources. As the follow-up lines say, some take pearls, fish, etc. That means some are hunting for food and resources for selling. Survival and living purposes are connected to the sea and the ocean. And yes, this is a kind of universal culture of the world. People have depended on the ocean directly and indirectly for these purposes. 

People like to visit the sea as a traveler. I am proud that my country has the longest sea beach in the world (Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh - 120 km). A lot of travelers come and get in touch with the sea. For what? Wet legs. That means their purpose is only to visit for entertainment and enjoyment because they are travelers who love to travel worldwide. 

So, I am talking a lot about purposes. Why? Because people do not do anything without a purpose. Everyone definitely has some purpose. How? What we get is what we are looking for. In the world, we will get the thing that we are hunting. Here it gives priority to purposes. The purposes are personal. This purpose is connected to ambition or vision. To be an actor, the duty or purpose is to connect to the acting properly. By doing this, he will be a good actor one day. It is not like searching for anything in the dark through candlelight. It is the process of trying heart and soul. All that great men are great just because they were looking for it. And what they found was the treasure. So what you want to get, keep trying heart and soul for it. You will definitely get it.                   


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