Student Should be Aware About The Morality

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"What is the difference between a good student and a good human?". I want to start with a story from my student life. I shared that story in the past but I would like to tell that story again. I was asked the following question by an Assistant Professor of English ( Do not want to mention his name) from a college in 2013. I was confused to answer that. I replied "Good students are actually brilliant people in the study and good men are good people, clam and quiet people. The difference maybe it is not necessary for good people to be educated". I was slightly right, but the answer that I found that time, was the twist in my life I guess. 

Answer from Professor:
" Anyone can be a good student. Do hardship, study frequently, make routine, or give full and proper concentration on your text. Definitely, a dumb student will turn into a good student and can come up with better grades. This is proved. But, good human....! I don't know what is the difference between the earth and the ultimate sky. The difference between good students and good humans is more than that without any doubt. It may take 3-4 years to become a good student, but for good human, it may take infinity time." 

Though he explained his voice at that time. The summary is a good student is not a good human, A educated man is also not a good human. So what is the definition of good human? The simple answer is the man who has complete morality. Think about our Prophet, he is the ultimate man. Ok, skip to the modern age. Compare yourself with Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale, etc. Now ask yourself who are you? A Bangladeshi guy working in Chittagong dockyard. He spends his full salary on those patients who have not any single taka for treatment. Another old guy from Rajshahi gives free books to students who do not have any scope to buy books. A lot of people willingly help others to fulfill their desire. They are not educated, not have enough money, but they are respected than others. Why? because they all are honest and respectful. They actually know what is the meaning of life. 
Let's make a comparison. Who is better here?

1. Extremely educated, huge money, generally people don't like him. He is rude in behavior. He is not truthful always. 
2. Educated, policymakers, do not pay any heed to people, think for his own, and have average money. 
3. Not educated, corrupted, earn in bad ways, huge money. 
4. Not educated, life is pretty much simple, not rich, but try to earn more money.
5. Truthful, honest, dedicated, respect t others and stay always happy.               

The reason is why I am telling or focusing more on morality...? Please go back for at least 20 years. Our families were very concerned about their ethics at that time. We learned a little bit about morality in early school. But unfortunately today, where is ETHICS..? Mostly in students!!! They are addicted to drugs, bad manners, wrong cultures, become careless, extremely getting rude at a very and very early stage. Our society is in threat to the lack of ETHICS. Current scenario: Students are running to get the questions before the exam. This is not the duty of a student. The parents also doing the same and assist their children. So, how calm a student will learn good things from the family in the beginning of learning if their parents are practicing the wrong manners. Of course, they have a minimum education level. Their education is useless in these cases. Our culture stays on:

Good result, Good institution, Good job/business, Best earnings, livelihood like a king. Ultimately we need money. 

Today our students are focusing more on money, and they want to do anything to earn money. This practice destroys ETHICS. Student life is not for good results, the education is for How to become a good human. There is no such education in this universe that they say, do bad things. They focus on Ethics, but we don't. Actually, society/institutions are failing to grow ETHICS inside students. 
Students should be aware of morality. That is why that professor said to me " Try to be a good human first, then student" 

After reading this writing many people may laugh at me and say, " I need money, money, and money. Who cares about the good human?"         


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